Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Warning! Nine things that can happen to your body if you eat two eggs a day


IlustrationIlustration - The useful properties of chicken eggs have been repeatedly questioned. collects the results of the latest research on the benefits of chicken eggs for the human body. It turns out that 2-3 eggs are the optimal daily dose.

What are the benefits?

Your brain is under the protection of choline
Phospholipids, which ensure the normal communication of brain cells, consist of choline. It has been clinically proven that this particular vitamin is the most important building material of the brain. If you eat 2 eggs a day, your body receives enough of this nutrient. Choline deficiency causes memory loss.

Vision is maintained thanks to lutein
New research shows that chicken eggs are rich in lutein. This substance is responsible for clear and sharp vision. With its disadvantages, destructive changes in eye tissue accumulate, and vision worsens permanently.

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Vitamin D helps absorb calcium
If you offer someone the choice of drinking a spoonful of fish oil or eating boiled eggs, the majority will obviously choose the latter. Especially if they know that the vitamin D content is the same in both cases. In addition, scientists found a way to increase the amount of vitamin D content in eggs by feeding chicken supplements specifically. Vitamin D helps calcium absorb and strengthen your bones and teeth better.

Vitamin B complex protects the skin, hair and liver
Biotin, vitamin B12, and digestible nutritious proteins contribute to the strengthening of hair and skin. Phospholipids contained in chicken eggs promote the elimination of toxins from the liver.

The risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced
Apart from previous opinions, new research shows that cholesterol from eggs is balanced with phosphatides, so it is not harmful to our health. It also inhibits the body's own cholesterol production. In addition, eggs contain omega-3 acids which reduce triglyceride levels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Weight loss
American scientists came to the conclusion that if you combine a low-calorie diet with consumption of chicken eggs for breakfast, you lose weight twice as fast. Breakfast like that makes you full for a long time, allowing you to reduce the amount of food consumed in a day.

Reducing the risk of cancer
Choline, which is very important for the brain, also reduces the risk of cancer. According to research results, for women whose daily diet in adolescence includes eggs, the risk of developing breast cancer decreases by 18%.

Formation of sex hormones
Vitamin B also plays a role in the formation of sex hormones. Vitamin B9 has another name: folic acid. With its help, red blood cells and fetal nerve tubes are formed, and the risk of a child's mental retardation is reduced. This is why vitamin B9 is very necessary for women during pregnancy planning. 1 chicken egg contains 7.0 mcg of vitamin.

The aging process slows down
This is evident from research conducted by Dutch scientists. In 87% of women aged 35 to 40, age spots disappear and skin lifts. In men, wrinkles around the eyes feel smooth.


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