Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Harmful to Health, Muhammadiyah Establishes Vape Cigarettes is Haram


Muhammadiyah's PP Fatwa Division, Wawan Gunawan when announcing the Vape Haram.Muhammadiyah's PP Fatwa Division, Wawan Gunawan when announcing the Vape Haram. - Smoking is dangerous for health. Including Vape cigarettes or electronic cigarettes.

The Tarjih Council and the Tajdid Leadership Center of Muhammadiyah have stated that all forms of electronic cigarettes or vape are haram.

This emphasizes the forbidden fatwa on cigarettes issued previously.

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"Electronic cigarettes are illegitimate as conventional cigarettes because they are categorized as consumption practices that are khaba'is or damaging or harmful," said the member of the Fatwa Division and the Development Guidelines for the Tarjih Assembly and Tajdid Muhammadiyah Center Leader Wawan Gunawan Abdul Wachid when reading the fatwa forbidding e-cigarettes during the hospitality gathering. in Yogyakarta, Friday.

Wawan explained that smoking electronic cigarettes contained elements of falling into destruction, even the act of committing suicide sooner or later, which was forbidden according to Al Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 195 and Surah An Nisa 'verse 29.

In addition, according to the Muhammadiyah fatwa, smoking electronic cigarettes is an act which endangers oneself and others who are exposed to its vapor exposure as agreed upon by medical experts and academics.

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"Electronic cigarettes as conventional cigarettes are recognized as containing addictive substances and harmful toxins, but the adverse effects of electronic cigarettes can be felt both in the short and long term," said Henry, as reported by Antara.

Because electronic smoking is forbidden, shopping for electronic cigarettes is a tabzir or extravagance that is prohibited according to Al Quran Surah Al Isra verses 26 and 27.

Wawan said that using electronic cigarettes is contrary to the elements of sharia objectives, namely the protection of religion, protection of body and soul, protection of reason, protection of family, and protection of property.

"Electronic cigarette smoking is contrary to the principles of perfection of Islam, faith, and ihsan," he said in the Gathering of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Regional Leaders in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region held at the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership in Yogyakarta.


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