Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Sends his naked picture to his former student, a teacher in Britain was arrested by the police


Sends his naked picture to his former student, a teacher in Britain was arrested by the policeSends his naked picture to his former student, a teacher in Britain was arrested by the police -  A music teacher sends his naked picture to a 17-year-old former student while chatting online is finally caught by the police.

Dale Aubrey Evans is a music teacher at Cardiff High School, Britain. While chatting online with his students, he suddenly sent a picture of his genitals while bending over the bed.

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) Fitness to Practice heard that a 17-year-old student with initials as A is a student. In the trial, he admitted that he contacted Mr. Evans first by Facebook.

He then lies to Mr. Evans and saying that he is a gay, and Evans then sends pornographic photos. When the student received the picture of Mr. Evans, he shared it through Snapchat with other young people.

Mr Evans's actions are sexual and unacceptable professional behavior.

From the police investigations found there is no criminal behavior. The former teacher has denied that his action is unacceptable and claims that he is a victim of discriminatory and homophobic treatment by the former pupil, because his student is lying to him and says he is a gay man.


Cardiff High School principal Stephen Jones said that Mr Evans's actions made the school dishonorable and incompatible with the school's ethos.

"There has been an irreparable unrest between Mr Evans and his school. "


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