Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

The area of Riau coastal being the best base voters for candidate of Riau Governor


The area of Riau coastal being the best base voters for candidate of Riau GovernorThe area of Riau coastal being the best base voters for candidate of Riau Governor -  The competition to seizing the seat of the Governor of Riau is predicted to be tight. It's because the candidates sure to won in the Election of Regional Head (Pilkada) in 2018.

According to political observer Jupendri, the competition map of Riau Governor candidates still no one to dominates.

"We still see like flat ground, and ll candidates are very confident to win," he said.

The four pairs of candidates are Andi Rachman-Suyatno (Golkar, Hanura, PDIP), Lukman Edy-Hardianto (PKB, Gerindra), Firdaus MT-Rusli Efendi (Democrat, PPP), then Syamsuar-Edy Natar (PKS, Nasdem, PAN).

The lecturer of Faculty of Communication Science at University of Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI) is trying to map the strength of each candidate.

 "From the geographical side of Riau, the coastal areas become the most contested areas," he said.

Syamsuar is predicted to get a lot of votes from Siak because he is still a regent's there.

Then in the Meranti Islands, Syamsuar also believed to reap a lot of support, because he was once a Provisional Regent Officer there. Although later the vote of Meranti will be divided into two, because Hardianto, the representative of Lukman Edy comes from the Akit tribe who inhabit most of areas in Meranti and Bengkalis.

While Syamsuar will get support in Rokan Hilir, because he was born there.

"But the area of ??Rokan Hilir will be contested by Syamsuar, Suyatno and Rusli Efendi, because the three are from the Country of Thousand Dome, but Suyatno, who is partner of Andi Rachman will be the luckiest, because he is still the Regent of Rokan Hilir. And Syamsuar and Rusli Efendi only get the rest of the vote, " he said.

Then for Pekanbaru area, the voice support will also be divided between Firdaus MT and Andi Rachman.

"Firdaus MT as the mayor has benefited, but from other factor, Andi Rachman whose his family is also known by the public in Pekanbaru will also get a big votes, so it can be ascertained that all of Pekanbaru residents will not choose Firdaus," he said.

And as a regional son, Lukman Edy is predicted to be able to get a lot of votes in Indragiri Hilir (Inhil).

And Edy Natar, who is said to be able to add voice support for Syamsuar in Rokan Hulu (Rohul).

"If you talk about the winning party in the previous elections, then Andi Rachman as the Chairman of Golkar Riau can get the most votes from Inhil and Rohul. Likewise from Pelalawan, Indragiri Hulu, Bengkalis, including from Siak, then cadre of Golkar party will try to win of Andi Rachman, "he said.

As the leader of Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP), Rusli Efendi can strengthen the vote for Firdaus MT from Kampar.

"Because the Kampar Regent is came from PPP, and Kuansing also from PPP," he said.

But that made interesting is the Vice Mayor of Pekanbaru, Ayat Cahyadi who is a cadre from Partai Keadilan Sosial (PKS). So the voice of Pekanbaru residents will probably also choose to Syamsuar-Edy Natar.

"So the selection of Riau Governor is still interesting to be listened, because no one can to dominates the vote, including the incumbent, Andi Rachman. Now the candidates only need an approach to gain of public sympathy, if they want to be a leader in Riau," he said.



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