Friday, 26 Apr 2024

UNILAK student kept 4-meter long king cobra


Muamar Syahida and his CobraMuamar Syahida and his Cobra - King Kobra snake is one of the deadly reptiles. However, the 4-meter-long predator snake was kept by students of Lancang Kuning University (Unilak) in Pekanbaru, Riau, Muamar Syahida, 25 year-old.

The snake was occasionally removed from the cage. The snake was brought into play under a shady tree in Muamar's house in Rumbai, Pekanbaru. The young man from Pelalawan District, born in Solo, Center Java, chose house not far from the campus.

The snake has been kept for four months now. Initially the snake was obtained from oil palm plantations in Pelalawan. Amar who to keep this snake was told by his friend in his palm oil plantation there was a cobra snake.

Got word from his friend, Amar then hurried to the location. He traced the existence of the snake. Once searched, King cobra were found. "I captured it myself in the oil palm plantation after catching the snake I kept it, about 4 meters long" said Amar in a conversation with AFP on Monday, April 9th 2018.

After successfully capturing, the snake was brought to Pekanbaru. Amar had advised by his both parents not to keep the ferocious snake. But, his determination cannot be dammed, Amar still will choose it.

"I want to learn or know how this King Cobra snake character" said Amar.

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