Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

A grand dawn with Ustadz Abdul Shomad was held with students at Al Azhar Syifa Budi


Al-azhar Syifa Budi PekanbaruAl-azhar Syifa Budi Pekanbaru -The circumcision of tahajud prayer, prayer of the repentance, shahadah prayer before dawn in the junior high school of Al-Azhar Syifa Budi, S Parman street, Pekanbaru City

This implementation started from 2 am local time on Friday, April 20th 2018, participate by a number of students of high school and junior school of Al Azhar Syifa Budi Pekanbaru. And also participated by the assembly of teachers and other school employees.

The implementation of this prayer is intended to calming down and preparing the students in facing of the final exam that will be held in next May.

Just before the time of the dawn prayer, Ustadz H.Abdul Shomad, Lc, MA was also presented to give lecture and advices to the students. And the dawn prayers together.

Miss Ayu who is also one of the foundation's board said on Friday, April 20th 2018, "This activity has been done before, from prayer to lecture from ustadz."

"Alhamdulillah runs smoothly, and Alhamdulillah ustadz who came this time is very idolized by our students, which made the students becomes more enthusiasm in learning and exam that they will be faced" he said.

Another thing was also delivered by the board of the other foundation, Miss Ifon. "This time we also give time to give compensation to orphans, the total amount of money more than IDR 12 million, is distributed to orphans around the school and also from the orphanage brought by the house of zakat" said Ifon.

"In the morning, we have a free breakfast" he added.

Junior and Senior school of Al Azhar Syifa Budi Pekanbaru II has opened the registration of new students for the second phase. This second phase test will be held on April 28th to 29th 2018.

"The second phase registration has been closed, and God willing, the registration of the third phase will open in June, but this could not happens if the quota is full" Ifon said.

She mentioned, the acceptance for this year is for five classes of junior school. As for one class maximum capacity is 25 students. Meanwhile, she revealed until today the quota fill is almost as many as four classes.

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