Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

Queen Elizabeth shows criticism toward Donald Trump through fashion


Queen Elizabeth and Donald TrumpQueen Elizabeth and Donald Trump - On July 13th, American President Donald Trump came to London to meet Queen Elizabeth II of England. His arrival incited many protest from different people.

As the head of the country, the Queen has to act wisely in facing the pro and cons of Trump’s visit. Although the Queen herself dislikes Trump, she has to act neutral. However, that does not mean the Queen cannot express her displeasure in other ways.

As cited from, the Queen showed her criticism toward Trump through fashion. Queen Elizabeth II is known to be a fashionable woman. She has a collection of clothes and accessories like brooches and hats in various colors. She wears coat and hat with matching color, sometimes complimented with a bag or other accessories.

During her meeting with Trump, the Queen wore a blue coat combined with floral skirt and a hat with matching color. At a glance, there seems to be nothing special with it. However, if you look at the brooch that the Queen wore, you will realize that it was a form of criticism toward Donald Trump.

The brooch that Queen Elizabeth II wore during her meeting with Donald Trump was a gift from Barack Obama’s family. The gift was bought with their own cash and not from the country’s budget. As many people have known, there was a cold war happening between Trump and Obama. The Queen, who supported Obama, decided to wear Obama’s gift when meeting Trump.

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