Monday, 29 Apr 2024

Police arrested dozens of people who raped the 11 year-old girl in India


IllustrationIllustration - Indian police arrested dozens of rape perpetrators towards an 11-year-old girl. Reported by the media, Attorney General, S Rajendra said the family of the victim immediately reported the incident to the police, on Sunday, July 15th 2018 after the girl told the incident.

According to her, the crime has occurred since mid-January. The numbers of perpetrator are 17 people, including facility supervisors and security officers, working in the victim-occupied building in the Kilpauk Chennai district. This incident is one of the cases that became the conversation of the community about the rampant sexual violence against women.

In May, police reported that a 16-year-old girl was raped and burned alive in the northern state of Jharkhand and Six perpetrators allegedly raped five anti trafficking workers last month.

The next incident occurred in July, a 15-year-old student who was raped by three adults, including the principal and two teachers.

Last week, a prominent legislator was indicted in the case of a teenage rape. He was beaten to death after the victim's father protested.

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