Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

Ghost orchid, one of the scariest flower in the world which originated from Indonesia


Ghost orchidGhost orchid - The word “ghost” refers to supernatural beings or spirit of the dead. However, there is a different kind of ghost in Indonesia.

There is a new type of orchid found in Java Island, Indonesia. This orchid is called “Ghost Orchid”.

The discovery of this plant has been issued in science international journal Phytotaxa. The new species is given the scientific name Gastrodia Bamboo. It was found by a taxonomist from Purwodadi Botanical garden and biologist of University of Indonesia.

Ghost Orchid does not have chlorophyll so it cannot do photosynthesis but it is also not a parasitic plant.  This plant lives on the supply of organic nutrition through symbiosis with mikoriza mushroom.

Orchids usually look beautiful. However, this orchid is different, with dark colors and quite unappealing appearance. The people call it Ghost Orchid because this flower likes dark and humid habitat and always gets closer to older bamboos.

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